Player Registration
Tue 11th Jul 2023 @ 19:54:15 (891 Views)

Posted By : Anthony Littlejohns

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The Whole Game system for player registration is now open and you may submit them for season 2023-24 as and when you are ready. You must have a minimum of players  pending registration on the WGS14 days before the season starts, so 5 for 5v5, 7 for 7v7, 9 for 9v9, 11 for 11v11.

Please remember that the player photographs must satisfy the following criteria and will be rejected otherwise: head and shoulders only, not below chest. Looking into the camera, no picture distortion, a clear background, no shades/hats (head covering only for religious or exceptional circumstance reasons).

Photographs must be current and within 2 years of June 1st 2023 (no older than June 1st 2021). If they are older than this then they are subject to rejection.

Pending registrations will not start to be accepted until mid-July. So you will not see these coming through until then.

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